
The Aladdin Suite is a widely used set of software and analytics tools designed to assist with portfolio management and investment operations. As part of my work, ! analyzed the existing state of the major internal application within the suite and developed a consistent scaffolding for all app.

I created a standardized structure, design patterns, and user experience guide across different tools. This consistency enhanced usability, simplified maintenance, and improved overall user satisfaction. By working with the NYC team, I was able to initiate the creation and implementation process, likely involving collaboration, development, and testing stages to bring the new inteface and flow to life.

As an essential part of internal portfolio management, these improvements in the Aladdin Suite of tools contributed to more efficient and effective portfolio management processes for BlackRock and its clients.


These usability improvements were based on user research, feedback, and iterative testing, ensuring that the updated system addresses the pain points and enhances the overall user experience.

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Creating a style guide based on best practices and utilizing leading industry technology and libraries is an effective approach to ensure consistency and efficiency in the design and development process. A style guide serves as a reference point for designers and developers, providing guidelines and standards for visual design, user interface components, typography, color schemes, and more.

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Inclusion and Diversity Branding

Inclusion and Diversity are fundamental values embedded within the BlackRock culture. As part of our commitment to these principles, I had the opportunity to design a trifold information card that highlights our journey and outlines our future goals in maintaining and enhancing our efforts in Inclusion and Diversity (I&D).

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CalHacks Branding

We participated in a hackathon at Cal State Berkeley and found a fun way to foster innovation and attract new talent. I created a fun, young, and colorful suite of stickers, flyers, and booth backdrops that added an engaging and vibrant touch to the event. The campaign was so popular we started to use the marketing materials globally.

Give Aways
London Booth